We regularly update our blog to cover the latest in insolvency news and events. Keep checking back to stay up to date with the latest developments.
Why You Need Insolvency Experts to Navigate Financial Distress
The consequences of financial distress for a business can be severe — potentially leading to damaged reputations, lost jobs, and liquidation. If you’re in such a difficult situation, turning to business insolvency experts can make [...]
How Director Negligence Can Lead to Insolvency
Running a business is challenging, but the risks involved become all the more complex and high-stakes when issues of financial distress come into play. Directors are tasked with making key decisions to protect the [...]
What is the Difference Between Insolvent and Bankrupt
Insolvency and bankruptcy, while related, have distinct meanings and, in turn, distinct implications. It’s knowing the subtleties and differences that can help you to navigate your situation, highlight your best options, and make more informed [...]
Free eBook: A Guide to Putting a Business into Liquidation
If you believe your business may be in distress, understanding the warning signs early is essential to securing the best possible outcome. In our free guide, we explore the process of putting a business into liquidation, what options you have when it comes to insolvency, the impact liquidation has on stakeholders, and much more.
10 Consequences of Mismanagement of a Company in the UK
Navigating the complexities of managing a business can be daunting for anybody. The stakes are incredibly high, and the margin for error is usually razor-thin. Unfortunately, even the most experienced of company owners/directors can fall [...]
What is Company Dissolution? [A Guide]
There may come a time within the lifespan of a business where it’s necessary to close it down. This could be because the owner wishes to retire, has no more use for the firm, or [...]
3 Best Liquidation Options For Your Business
Running a business could be compared to flying a plane. While take-off is famously tricky — 20% of startups fold after the first year alone — it represents the first of many complex manoeuvres needed [...]