
About Steven Wiseglass

Steven is a licensed Insolvency Practitioner with in excess of nine years experience in practice and is a co-founder of Inquesta. Steven's core specialism is in advising directors of small to medium sized owner managed distressed businesses. By dealing with the full range of formal and informal corporate and personal insolvency appointments he possesses the necessary skills to provide the most appropriate advice in the circumstances.

How Asset Finance Works

2021-10-29T10:58:28+01:00October 29th, 2021|News|

Obtaining finance is extremely important for a business. Whether it’s to purchase new equipment or invest in new premises, obtaining an injection of cash into your firm can be vital to growing your enterprise.  There [...]

How to Fund Business Growth

2021-10-05T17:03:48+01:00October 8th, 2021|News|

There are countless possibilities to grow your company, however many business owners can struggle to obtain the necessary funding to support their plans. A lack of appropriate funding is one of the main reasons why [...]